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Tilda and Notebooks on Desk
3D Render and 3D Model

Part of my ongoing series “Studio Assets”, where I make 3d models of objects found in artist studios.

This is a bundle of two Notesbooks and a harddrive, that I named Tilda. On the last slide you can see the actual harddrive and notebook bundle that I modeled it after.

Dream House frame tries

I’m playing around with frame designs for my Dream House pictures and maybe also some other pictures.

The idea was to have something that looks a little bit like a lab tray for pictures to get that experimental/utilitarian vibe going.

So the magnets would be mounted to the frame and these chips can be interchanged so you can get the holding chips that you like.


My ongoing quest do make game assets out of objects in my life and work continues.

I made a 3d asset of the paper out of which I cut out a 3D asset of a real thing that I faked and printed on that paper. Like the 2nd paper, the real paper.

You know?

#gameassets #studioassets


support stands / trestles.

part of my ongoing series “studio assets”, a collection of 3d assets of objects found in artist’s studios.

I freaking love them. I assume that a lot of people can relate. Where would we be without them? I used (at least two of) them almost daily and they are one of my favourite studio assets – that’s why I made a better model of them and want to feature them more in my work.

These trestles here are modeled after the ones I’ve had for many years. I gave a lot of them wooden support links to make them even more stable.

Cute looking art crate

Maybe this is what Princess Peach’s Art handling service would use.

If anyone has ideas for other “themed crates”, I’m open to do something together : )


This is a series I am working on. The working title is “cableporn”. Some excerpts that came to mind:

“I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath.” (David Lynch, quote)

Minimalist design encourages us to forget everything that a product relies on and in this example, that the internet consists of carefully shaped glass and steel alone. (Kyle Chayka, The Longing for Less, p.38)

The Firestick

The Firestick

3D Model

We kept losing lighters at our studio , so I decided to make the firestick.

I rebuilt it as a game asset, maybe someday it will find its way into digital spaces.

Tiny Art Crates Studio Shots

After the Tiny Art Run at Angewandte Festival, only 1 of 4 RC crates was in a working condition.

The wooden crates have all been damaged a lot and at the end they were held together by a lot of staples and super glue.

I decided to document the crates in this condition.

The lighting setup was conceived by me and Peter Walde.

captcha at Kollektiv Kaorle


These are the pictures from my solo show “captcha” at @kollektiv_kaorle

Captcha asks whether we are not all already wired.
As we witness the blurring of lines between reality and model, _captcha_ compels us to reflect on our own perceptions, reminding us that the boundaries we once considered fixed and immutable are malleable and subject to our own creative reinterpretations.


A computer generated clown comes out of a cave to see daylight, real individuals are 3D scanned and put into a wimmelbild. In virtual reality, the same scanned individuals inhabit the synthetic worlds in which these digital images are created.

Sculptures out of paper and polyceramic represent models of the digital models in the pictures.

In a photograph we see a physical model, crafted through 3D graphics, printed on paper, and folded into models, echoing the art of UV unwrapping in 3D design.

finally, we can play a sandbox videogame in which all of the above come together – we are invited to enter the virtual worlds and play with them.

Tiny Art Run at Angewandte Festival

Here are the pictures from Tiny Art Run at Angewandte Festival 2023.

It was a wild ride.